Comment history with manny-the-dino
Displaying 21 - 36 of 36 comments

Wait who sent you a PM? And what did it say?
I'd love to help you out with your coding issues but I cannot code ANYTHING to save my life haha :/ What I highly suggest you do is to make a new topic in Myspace Support asking for help. Make sure to read all the rules posted at the top of the forum before actually posting your topic. Someone with more knowledge will be more than happy to take it from there :)
Hi! IT's me again. Okay, I did receive the PM from someone in your offices earlier but I received the comment from you that I read and responded to, about 'cleaning up' the coding in my layout. After having thought about it a little more clearly, do you have any idea what aspect of the coding usually 'causes' the problems in the submission page that you saw? I will go to the 'How to make DIV forums, but going to tear apart the coding when the layout already works on Myspace because I tested it in FF, IE8, and Google Chrome. So, Idk what about my layout is 'clashing' with your system or page because idk what system you have or anything like that. If you told me what 'part' or flaw in a coding 'usually' causes something like this, it could be a place in the layout for me to start looking. Instead of racking my brain trying to figure out where to start. So if you have any idea as to 'what' general flaw in layout coding could possibly cause what happened? That would be really helpful. Thank you.
Okay, thanks so much!!! Whew!! I really appreciate all of your help! This is just crazy! But I guess you knew that ;-) Okay, I'' follow the instructions and clean up my coding. Once that's done I will try again:D Hey, I'm happy! It's better than no hope at all. Ha ha! You enjoy the rest of your weekend:DDD
Hey, it's me again! :P
Okay so yeah it's definitely your coding. There's a lot of stuff that isn't properly put in divs because it shows up on the page so just clean up your coding and it should be fine. If you need help on that go Forums>Support Center>Myspace Support>Making a DIV Overlay Layout
Okay, thanks!!! Whew! This is great! This is really great! I didn't know WHAT was going on! Whew! I'll wait. No problem!
Okay I received your PMs and I THINK I know what the problem is but I asked my fellow staff members what their opinions are so I'm just waiting for their responses. I'll get back to you as soon as I have an answer!
I think it may be your coding causing the problem, btw.
Okay, thanks so much. I'll try resizing the screenshot to the dimensions you just mentioned. Yes, I tested the layout in Internet Explorer 8, Firefox and Google Chrome. But in any event, let wish me luck in this resizing.
Okay. Try resizing my screenshot so that its 1024x640. Hopefully that will work.
No the reason it's off centered is because I have a bigger screen so I guess the layout tends to get stretched out. Or it may be because I used Firefox for that screenshot. What browser have you been using to preview your layout?
The site accepts all layouts regardless of what program the person used to make it. It doesn't know what program you used lol. But yeah the tutorials section is different. It will only accept Photoshop, PaintShop Pro, HTML and all those other types of tutorials listed in the dropdown menu.
I think if the resizing of the screenshot doesn't work, just submit a random picture as your screenshot and I can replace it with the screenshot once you've submitted it.
Hi, it's me again. I'm really sorry to keep contacting you about this layout but now when I submit the material it's telling me that "screenshots must be in 4:3 or widescreen format" and it's not going through. But at least now it's 'telling' me 'something'. I just saved the screenshot to my files and uploaded it it where it said to. I didn't alter the image in any way. Idk what's happening. But also, I noticed that in the screenshot, the layout was off-center. Does that happen when someone tries to use the layout because I wasn't using the fullsceen or widescreen when creating it? Idk what I was using, honestly. I've never even thought about it until the time came to submit it. I would like to go back and do what is needed to stop the layout from being off-centered if someone wanted to use it. Even if this layout is rejected in the end, at least I will know what to apply to my other layouts. I just want it to look as good as it can. I don't want to turn in half-done things; I want it to be as good as I can make it and if that means re-doing it then so be it. Any suggestions? Especially about this "aspect ratio thing for screenshots". Whew! Thanks so very much!
That was the nicest thing! That was sooooo sweet. Thank you so much! Seriously! I've just learned something new while looking at the shot. No wonder why everyone's shots are, well, crooked when they RE ENLARGED. i WONDERED WHY THAT WAS BUT NOW i SEE. Speaking of enlarged, I've just looked down and seen the "all-caps" button glowing on my keyboard:-( I've used all caps somewhere in this but I cannot see because the text becomes lower case:-(. Please ignore that and thank you so much again! I don't care if the layout is rejected because I've already 'learned' something from this. I can take this knowledge and apply it to the others :DDDD! Thank you again for the third time for your going the extra step when you didn't have to:DD!
Ohh yeah. Screenshots are what tend to screw people over. Well I took one for you since my screen is larger. I'll send it to you in a PM. So just use mine instead of yours, submit and just wait for a response regarding your layout.
And no worries! it's my job to help :D
I followed those steps you've just mentioned in your comment but the comment 'still' helped me very much and I really appreciate it. You are very patient, so thank you. After I left my last comment I decided to take a break and take a step back :D Taking a break helped. I went back over the guidelines because I am sure there is something I'm not doing, and I think maybe my problem has been the "aspect ratio". My actual layout screenshot was a 1280x1024 PNG image but I think the screenshot has to be a jpg file within the 16:9 widescreen or 4:3 fullscreen ratio? I think that's where I failed. This is the layout screenshot link I sent before I commented you before this one: Idk if we can post links in comments hhere or not but here goes...
http://s256.photobuck et.com/albums/hh185/moyez123/D ecorated%20images/Createblog%2 0Graphics/?action=view¤t =METAGIRLATACONCERTlayout-scre enshot.png
http://i256.photob ucket.com/albums/hh185/moyez12 3/Decorated%20images/Createblo g%20Graphics/METAGIRLATACONCER Tlayout-screenshot.png
[IMG ]http://i256.photobucket.com/a lbums/hh185/moyez123/Decorated %20images/Createblog%20Graphic s/METAGIRLATACONCERTlayout-scr eenshot.png[/IMG]
Sorry but I posted all 4 photobucket links: one of them has to work. If not, this is the actual layout (Idk hoe to show the screenshot other than through the links I just posted).
http://www.myspace.c om/walliswarfield. The actual layout is 1480x1227. Please, how would I make something like this "fit" the "screenshot aspect ratio" guidelines ? I mean, all I did was push F11 and then the "print scr" button and paste that screenshot to my gimp 2.6 ad that's all I did. What do you suggest? I "kow" i'm doinf something wrong or missing some serious step(s). Thank you so much for your time and patience, Manny.
No, you're not wasting your time. I'm probably just not explaining it correctly. I'll guide you through it though :)
1. Click on "submit!" (where I told you to)
2. Select your layout type from the drop down menu
3. Fill in the Layout Name field.
4. Fill in the Layout Tags field (ex: orange, fruit, health) [it goes word, coma, space, word, coma, space]
5. Upload your screenshot. (If you don't know how to do screenshots, google "screenshot" and click on the first link)
6. Select the colors your layout uses.
7. Select the categories your layout falls under.
8. Fill out Layout Comment section (this section is optional and includes special instructions)
9. Paste your layout codes (in the correct fields. Like if it's for Myspace, obviously paste the About Me codes under the About Me field)
10. Check off "I agree to the terms"
11. Hit "Submit". Just wait till it goes through. After we have successfully received your layout, a new screen should appear saying that you successfully submitted it. Then if you go to "My Account" you should see under "New Tasks" a link that says (1) Pending Layouts or something like that. After we've reviewed it, which could take up to a week or more, you'll receive a PM (Private Message) saying whether it's been accepted or rejected.
Please don't hesitate to let me know if you got lost with my instructions or need any additional help. That's what I'm here for!
Hi there! Thank you sooo much for getting back to me. I really appreciate it. Now, I've tried submitting this layout again (twice just now) with the "submit" button at the right hand top corner of the page on the "submit layout" page. Nothing happened when I did that. There was no indication that the layout went through. No written message or anything. I followed th link that you left me and that link said "broken". I followed the link twice. But I've read the directions for submitting the layhouts, unless I've misunderstood something. I filled everything out, pushed F11 and saved my screenshot, didn't crop it. Idk. But I sent this in 5 days ago I believe. I'm starting to feel a little bit like I'm wasting my time, like this is just a game. Idk.
Hmmm I checked the queue and rejected layouts but don't see anything from you so I guess the layout didn't go through. In order to properly submit a layout, go here --->http://www.createblog.com/ layouts/submit.php (take out the spaces before hitting enter in the bar thing) and fill out everything according to your layout. That link can be found on the top right of your screen where it says "Submit!"
Hi..uh (I followed the link that said "Manny-the-Dino") and ...I submitted a layout a couple of days ago but I'm not sure how this works, because it doesn't say that I have a layout 'pending' pr anything. I just wanted to make sure that I actually sent it in properly. How can I find out, please? Thank you so much.